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find ich nciht.. hat sie jemand ..? :love:

So i get my kicks out on the floor... :-D

here you go

Dobie Gray - :-D OUT ON THE FLOOR :wasntme:

Hey hey hey,

Hey hey hey

Yeah, yeah yeah

Baby its outta sight

Out on the floor each night im really moving

The band is wailing right and I feel like grooving

The chicks are out of sight and I?m approving


The crowd is in tonight begging for more

While I get my kicks out on the floor

Out on the floor tonight I feel like singing

The beat is right and bright guitars are ringing

Im really on tonight and everythings swinging

The room is packed up tight lined at the door

Yeah Yeah

So I get my kicks out on the floor

Yeah, yeah yeah

Baby its outta sight

When I?m out on the floor

It makes me feel like a king

Everybody here, don?t ya know what I mean

It makes me wanna move

It makes it feel that groove

It makes me twist and shout

Let me work it on out

When I feel that beat, I gotta groooooove my feet

Out on the floor tonight I feel like singing

The beat is hot and right guitars are ringing

The chicks are outta sight and everythings swinging

The room is packed up tight lined at the door

Yeah Yeah

So I get my kicks out on the floor

Lets do it some more

I know you feel like me




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