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I am not sure, but I think gluing a piece of a cast iron polini 130 cooling fin onto a rotax barrel would make for a more powerful engine. But anyway, I like the idea and I hope he will get that thing up and runnig!

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Whow schönes Ding!

Ich frag mich nur, wenn das echt n Polini is, warum zum Teufel is dann der Aulass geteilt??!?!?

und was sind das für kleine Silberne Punkte an den Überströmern? Wenn das Aufgeschweißt is wird mir auch auf einmal der Auslassteg klar :-D

Bringt es eigentlich was, den Zylinderfuß so zu verrunden? Das sieht man ja immer öfter :plemplem:

MfG Tim


Sorry KTy but my English is not the best especial my "subjectchinese"

Edith founded the Cylinder how it looked in the past on et3.it


Bearbeitet von Tim^ey
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

looks pretty much like an german saying:

"good thought, made bad"

for which reason would you use this huge reed case with this minute zylinder inlet? on a 136 malossi I could understand it

Bearbeitet von oli-san

What about welding a bridge on the exhaust port.... :-D ??

The idea is nice, but will it last ?? And how to make sure it is the same material ... ?

And how to make sure it is the same material ... ?

Take a piece of a"Kühlerrippe" (cooling-rib??) from the same Cylinder and weld it in.:-D

The mainproblem would be the "Schweißnaht" (weldingseam ?)

MfG Tim

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

I am not that competent in understanding what was described in that linked topic, how is he going to attach the reed case with the cylinder ?

Wasn't there someone else in the past on this forum who tried to glue a huge reed case onto his cylinder...just to find out it would last for only a couple of hundred meters? :grins:

Is the welded "bridge" in the exaust part supposed to prevend the piston rings from protruding into the exaust port?

Bearbeitet von Mister_M

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