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I want to sell a 16mm grimeca NEW in box disc brake 340€ (310 € + 30€ shipping)

paypal accepted or cash on delivery ( but with this method I think the shipment is more expensive)


Bearbeitet von FurlanPx
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Pretty expensive...You can buy a new one at worb5 for 296 Euro...i guess, you will not be able to sell it in Germany for 340 Euro...

Bearbeitet von Deep4
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Uhm you're right, but I bought it from sip, it costs 293 + taxes 16% so 340€ + shipping, so I think 296 € for the one on worb's site is without taxes :-D

I'm from Italy, so the shipping cost is 31€, I accept paypal so I have to pay 4,5%(17 € on 340€) and you have no paying costs, at the end I earn 293€ for a new kit that I paid 355€ (shipping to Italy costs about 15€ from SIP), and you'll have a new kit for 340€ shipping included, instead 340€+shipping and payaments costs. I repeat the kit is new. :-D

cheers Marco

Bearbeitet von FurlanPx
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Sorry Marco, but if I buy this Kit by SIP as a person, who lives in germany, I will not pay any shipping (over 250 Euro), and I'll have also a new kit and guarantee for two years. The 293 Euros are including taxes for germany. Your offer is much too expensive for german byers. Try to sell it in italy or ebay, there will be more chances for you, maybe.



Bearbeitet von subway

Oh, I didn't know that the price on sip for germany is tax-included! :plemplem:

So you'r right, is better If I try to sell it in Italy or ebay like you said, thanks


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