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Kaltmetall on Drehschieber ?


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I tried the Titanium. For that kind of repair it was not quite good.

I wouldn´t use a repairstick. You should better use liquid products like UHU Endfest(up to 300 degrees) or Delo Metalix(up to 180 degrees)

Hi T5Langhuber,

thanks for the participation.

I looked into UHU internet site and seems that if you put the product into the oven than it holds much more!

Maybe I should get them both and use the Titanium to close lateral transfers and the Uhu for the drehschieber surface... mmm...

Do you have to clean and work the surface for the Uhu to hold better?



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Maybe I should get them both and use the Titanium to close lateral transfers and the Uhu for the drehschieber surface... mmm...


for the lateral transfers i used the titanium too. For that it is really good, i think, because it it resitent against oil, gas, ester. etc...!

My Delo Metalix works even quite good in my T5 engine.

First you schould grinding the surface a little bit with the dremel. Then i use "Aceton" to clean the surface.

By the way the titanium need about 72 hours to get 100% firmness. But you can use ist afther 8 hours.

Here is the datasheed, unfortunately in german, but you can see on page 4:


Bearbeitet von T5Langhuber
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yes sir. a friend of mind did a crazy thing with a piston on that way

and it works :-D

Good! :-D

Practically this is it:


The setting time depends on the temperature; final strength can be increased by applying heat (not over 200°C ? see table).

Temperature Setting time Strength

20 °C 12 Std. 1200 N/cm2

40 °C 3 Std. 1800 N/cm2

70 °C 45 Min. 2000 N/cm2

100 °C 10 Min. 2500 N/cm2

180 °C 5 Min. 3000 N/cm2

I was told that the adhesion of Devcon F is 2600 PSI and for Devcon Titanium 2000 PSI (better wear resistant). I'm no good with conversions but that should be around it...

Definitively gotta try the oven thing... :-D

Regards fellows,


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