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I have a small question for you Lambretta's guys :D

Is the electricity for ligths on a lammy AC or DC ? What is the most common ?

Can you find AC current near the handlebar ?

Strange questions... :-D




the lights (front and rear) are always AC. Most models were available as DC and AC versions, depending on the country where they were sold. On the DC versions ony the parking light, brake light and horn were powerde by DC.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
the spanish Lince with Motoplat ignition / generator ist totally DC. :wasntme:

Okay, that's what I wanted to hear ;)

So, the rest has AC ligths... :-D

Thanks :-D

Bearbeitet von KTy

it's a bit hard to figure out what you actually want to do. if you need to convert your electrical system to DC then you might want to check www.scootercenter.com as they have a regulator now that supports AC and DC from the output of a regular electronic ignition. and you can choose to not us the AC part of the current - and have an all DC wiring if you so please.

OK now drop the bomb and tell us you're installing a sound system. way cool.



I will be doing in the near future a prototype for a simple and easy to use RPM counter with a small LCD display, with the possibility to plug an EGT sensor, a CHT sensor and speedo input. It will powered on the AC light, no battery, few wires... vespa/lambretta/whatever.

Schuss, :-D

When you have AC electricity, it's easy to know the RPM of your engine ;) :-D

like the rev-counter of Vespa T5 and old Hercules? They are not soooou precise. :-D

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

I don't exactly know how they work, but the T5/Hercules is probably analog electronics. I will do it digitally, that means that I will "simply" count the number of waves per second, taking into account the number of coil of the stator. Exactly like the GSFDyno by Atom007, I designed the latest interface circuit, the error will be near to zero....

By the way, I'm pretty sure it doesn't really mater for you if you reach 9566rpm or 9563rpm, rigth ? :-D

This project is a really simple circuit and the software is also easy to write, I just need some more time... :grr:


Bearbeitet von KTy
I don't exactly know how they work, but the T5/Hercules is probably analog electronics. I will do it digitally, that means that I will "simply" count the number of waves per second, taking into account the number of coil of the stator. Exactly like the GSFDyno by Atom007, I designed the latest interface circuit, the error will be near to zero....

By the way, I'm pretty sure it doesn't really mater for you if you reach 9566rpm or 9563rpm, rigth ? :-D

This project is a really simple circuit and the software is also easy to write, I just need some more time... :grr:


you haven't got so much time dear: time is money! hurry up. I'm highly interested :-D:shit::-D

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