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Just a short message to you all:

We will arrange 10th Classic Scooter Run in Oslo next year !!!!!!

We said we wouldn´t do it, but have now come to better thoughts :-D

http://www.classicscooterrun.no will be updated with all the info within a few weeks, but I can tell you now that it will be on 8.-10. June 07, same place as this year, bands, dj´s, lots of lovely food, same low price on beer and so on and so on..

And you want to know the price of the beer, you say..!?

Thats 20 norwegian kroners, equivilant to about ? 2,50 to you, sir.

And of the three bands we have most probably two of them confirmed already:

--No Torso, youngsters playing skacore, http://www.myspace.com/notorsoska

--Phantoms, legendary old school ska band, been around for ages, still doing their business to 100%, www.myspace.com/phantomsska, http://www11.nrk.no/urort/user/?id=13195, http://www.thephantoms.no/

All the best from up north,

Restless SC Oslo & Stein Overland



ich würd mich'n 2. arschloch freuen dich in oslo am start zu haben!!!!



Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
Ich würd auch wollen..

Gibts hier wieder Infos zur Fahrgemeinschaft aus HH ?



Moin Markus. Das find' ich gut.

Ja, sobald es 'was Konkretes bez. Fähre etc. gibt, schreiben wir es hier rein. Ist zwar noch ein bisschen hin, aber man sollte ja möglichst schon ein paar Monate vor Termin buchen.

Wir werden mit ziemlicher Sicherheit wieder von Mittwoch bis Dienstag fahren (Mi. 19 Uhr Ablegen in Kiel, Di. 11 Uhr Ankunft in Kiel).

INFOS UND BILDER VON 2006: http://www.germanscooterforum.de/index.php?showtopic=76581

Bearbeitet von rotten
Moin Markus. Das find' ich gut.

Ja, sobald es 'was Konkretes bez. Fähre etc. gibt, schreiben wir es hier rein. Ist zwar noch ein bisschen hin, aber man sollte ja möglichst schon ein paar Monate vor Termin buchen.

Wir werden mit ziemlicher Sicherheit wieder von Mittwoch bis Dienstag fahren (Mi. 19 Uhr Ablegen in Kiel, Di. 11 Uhr Ankunft in Kiel).

INFOS UND BILDER VON 2006: http://www.germanscooterforum.de/index.php?showtopic=76581

Hello you all!

We will ask the ferry companies for a discount deal for scooterists, hope to have better luck than in 2006. And there should be a fair possibility for it too, as there is no big bikerrun in Norway this weekend.

Hmm, EuroLambretta in Gemany the weekend before.... so, good it is not the same weekend, then!!! :-D

Join the Hamburg gang on wednesday from Kiel to Gothenburg or go scooter hardcore all the way through Denmark and Sweden, or do the oldie style with the ferry Kiel - Oslo :-D

Some more pix here, will put out lots more during autumn: http://www.restless.no/Main_photoalbum/9th-classic/view



there will be another hamburg group which will go onto the ferry from kiel to göteborg on thursday. back to göteborg on sunday. staying in a youth hostel. monday onto the ferry again to kiel. back in kiel/HH/whatever on tuesday.


hope that you will have better luck this time for the scooterists-discount-deal!



  • 4 Wochen später...
  • 1 Monat später...

Plane evtl. eine Woche vorher loszufahren,ab nach Skagen,von dort nach Oslo,paar Tage dort verweilen und dann direkt zum Run nach Bösel!

Näheres in naher Feerne,Interesse?


Plane evtl. eine Woche vorher loszufahren,ab nach Skagen,von dort nach Oslo,paar Tage dort verweilen und dann direkt zum Run nach Bösel!

Näheres in naher Feerne,Interesse?



skagen mit roller is cool. hab ich schon mal gemacht. würd ich auch wieder machen. mal sehn was die finanzen in dem zeitraum so sagen.

ansonsten gern!

  • 5 Wochen später...
  • 4 Wochen später...

Okay okay, 66 persons preregistered already. And rising every day!

If you intend to come, please preregister here.

That helps us plan food and drinks, and it is also nice to show the sponsors that something is happening!

Indoors sleeping facilities is available, at the time only room for 17 more persons before it is full. Be sure to mark it on your preregistration if you want one of these.

We are working on the deals with the ferry companies. But, there is unfortunatelly not much hope :-D

Will work on it some more, will keep you updated here and on the webpage of the run.

Untill then, ferry Hamburg - Gothenburg might be a good solution. For those of you who want to ride a little longer, ferry from Denmark over to Norway can be bought for as little as 10 euros. Then you can go the last 300 or so kms from Kristiansand up to Oslo together with The Rivals SC. Read more about them here

If you are still unsure if this is something to attend, read Martiens report of the 9th CSR in DER BEDUINE no 5 and 6.

Till then,

Stein Overland

  • 2 Wochen später...

Unfortunatelly, Color Line, the ferry company doing Kiel-Oslo-Kiel, have told us that they are not able to provide our guests with a special scooterists discount rate.

We are still working on Kiel-Gothenburg-Kiel with Stena Line, which is, due to the good price compared to the direct to Oslo line, the line I believe is most attractive to most people. We are waiting for a reply from Stena Line. Cross our fingers till then...

Also waiting for a reply from DFDS, which is the company that does Copenhagen-Oslo-Copenhagen. Interesting mostly for the danes, but will give an update on it all here anyway.

Untill later,

Stein Overland

Restless SC Oslo


Looks like the ferry companies are running well these days, as they are not in need of extra promotion to sell their space. Which means Stena Line have also informed us that they unfortunatelly are not able to support us.

Well well, it would have been a really nice thing to be able to help you alle with some discount on the ferry, luckily the ticket Kiel-Gothenburg-Kiel isnt too expensive at standard rate anyway ....

So, NOW is the time to log onto www.stenaline.com and do your reservation of tickets !!

We are at the time updating the logo and preparing a new flyer. Webpage will be updated shortly, flyer will be presented here and everywhere!

Hope to see loads of Germans coming our way, we will do our best to make another memorable run!

All the best from up north,

Stein Overland



Ich wünschte ich könnte auch da hinfahren!


It´s easy!

Just chat a bit here with the guys from Hamburg, join them on their trip Kiel-Gothenburg, then 300 kms ride up to Oslo. Easy motorway ride. Then you are in heaven :-D


  • 2 Wochen später...

nice!, but why is this scooter still in norway?


Just talked to Martien. We´ld like to go Kiel-Oslo. Anyone else?

I´m going to register myself now, see ya on whitsun!

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

I´ld like to have Accomodation indoors on mattress both nights, but only if Sven uses his own tent!

what about you, martien?


Bearbeitet von King_LUI
nice!, but why is this scooter still in norway?


Hmmm, my Rally on scoot.net... I didn´t put it there..

Anyway, this scooter is still in Norway, as I have found out that it will have a proper home only with its true owner.. ME :-D

For now, at least.... Will try some 120x70 - 10 whitewalls on it and lower the seat a bit for this season. And maybe some pinstriping too. And have to sort out that jetting on the T5 engine, or throw it out and give it another engine... And then a PK fork for it for next season. And THEN hopefully I will be satisfied with it :-D

Just talked to Martien. We´ld like to go Kiel-Oslo. Anyone else?

Expensive trip, but I know you two are wealthy men, so give it a try, the steak they serve on board the ship is nice, too !

79 preregistered as per now. We will within a few days send an email to everyone that was there last year, asking them to preregister. So believe the numbers will rise quite soon.

Several sponsors with nice giveaways confirmed.

And for you music lovers: Ska core band No Torso on friday, Sonics tribute band Strychnine and old school ska band The Uptowners on saturday. Uptowners also did the run last year. One of their best gigs ever, they said. Now they are preparing for a new album, therefore no concerts these days. But, for our run they do an exception!

And for you tuneaholics, there will be a dyno on site !!!

One of our Swedish friends brings his dyno to the run, so expect to see readings from 6 to 30...something hp during the weekend !!!

Cheap beer (for Norway at least that is!) approx ? 2.50 a bottle. Spirits, wines, delicious homemade burgers, steaks, sausages, rideout like you have never experienced it before, hillclimbing competition, newer and even more improved gymkhana, 3 kick ass bands, an army of good dj´s, dyno, sellers stalls, welding equipment for those unlucky bastards, indoor sleeping facilities (only 16 spots of 40 total left). All only 30 kms outside the centre of Oslo, surrounded by forest and grass and will surely be visited by hundreds of pretty, blonde 20 year old girls that knows how to assemble a gearbox on a Lammy B model and can speak for at least 5 minutes about the differences in adjusting methods between a SI and VHS DellOrto carb....

(well, got carried away a bit there, but..... everything besides the last mentioned thing can be for you to discover and be a part of !!!)

Check out www.classicscooterrun.no for more info (pages continously updated, have done some color testing, main color changed from yellow to red, will be changed again back to yellow or to blue within a few days, as my screen and eyes scream every time I log onto the site...)

I´m going to register myself now, see ya on whitsun!

  • 2 Wochen später...
  • 3 Wochen später...

More than 100 preregistered and sponsorpage updated !!!!

Bandinfo and programpage will be updated very soon.

Few Germans have preregistered yet.

Aren´t you commin´ up north !????


Ho ho ho, looking forward to seeing you bastards :-D

All the best,

Stein O

Moin, Moin,

Fähre ist gebucht:

- 06.-10.06.07

- Kiel / Goetheborg

- 6 Personen

- ca. 180,-? / Person



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