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Empfohlene Beiträge


Now 121 persons preregistered, that isnt bad 1 month before the run!

We expect not more than 200 scooters, but hell we´ll have a good time!

If you dont like the though about ferry and riding, there is always a plane to take for the sore butted!!

Check out www.norwegian.no

  • 2 Wochen später...
  • 2 Wochen später...

More than 150 preregistered, 29 degrees and sunny, 3 bands and loads of dj´s booked. First Germans arrived at 23.45 last night.

Now we are ready for a good weekend!

Check this space later for pictures etc!



again one of the best and relaxed Runs i've ever had (exept the way back to Gothenburg)!

Thank you Frank`N`Stein

Nice to meet all of you guys there again!

Happy to meet lots of new faces - special greetings to silver-babe!

Pics and movies will be oploaded right here.

See you in Gjörvik `08!




Hi to you polish bastards!

Very nice to see you again, even if I had to work some and would have wanted to chat with you more than I did !

Heres some pictures to enjoy:





Did you manage the way to Gothenburg without any break downs?



again one of the best and relaxed Runs i've ever had (exept the way back to Gothenburg)!

Thank you Frank`N`Stein

Nice to meet all of you guys there again!

Happy to meet lots of new faces - special greetings to silver-babe!

Pics and movies will be oploaded right here.

See you in Gjörvik `08!



Did you manage the way to Gothenburg without any break downs?

Of course not! But this is another story....

We all got on the ferry in time, thats what counts!

Thank you and your team for the great time we had!

  • 4 Wochen später...

btw, Stein, or anyone else, do jou have a ranking about the gymkana? it would be interisting if I bet Christof aka Mc Gywer....

best wishes for your family!


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