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Macht aber in der Original-Klasse in der er wohl damit gestartet ist durchaus Sinn.

Ach ja. Außerdem hat uns die nahe Vergangenheit jetzt doch gelehrt, dass man dem Anblick einer ET3-Banane nicht mehr trauen darf!

sieht auf jedenfall sportlich aus die Kiste vom Champ, aber richtig Leistung hatte die nicht oder?(Banane)

Ist ein (fast) originaler ET3 Motor, einzige Änderung ist ein leichteres Lüfterrad.


ja das war eher so auf das projekt in meiner sigantur bezogen, dass christoph auch so was baut allerdings sicherlich als wf variante brachte mich zu diesem ausruf :-D

grüsse momo

  • 2 Wochen später...
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Langsam nimmt meine "Sitzbank" Formen an :-D

Hauptsache ma kann damit fahren...und mir solls ja gefallen... :-D

Grüße B.

Bearbeitet von Kebra

sehr hübsch das ganze.

ich erlaube mir mal zu fragen: bist du nur 150 cm groß? oder wo planst du deine beine unterzubringen? :-D

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
sehr hübsch das ganze.

ich erlaube mir mal zu fragen: bist du nur 150 cm groß? oder wo planst du deine beine unterzubringen? :wacko:

Nö, bin 186cm "klein" :-D Bin aber (für mein Alter) doch recht gelenkig :-D

Da ja zurückverlegte Rasten mit Bremshebel an selbiger vom Motorrad (Menani-Rasten)

drankommen werde ich an einer Bein-Falt-Klapp-Technik nochn bissl üben müssen :wow:

Hab mich ja letztes Jahr schon gut zus.gefaltet mit meinen langen Beinen :-D


Is von ner Lammy. Hab gehört, daß de die nur noch gebraucht bekommst :cheers:

Gruß B.

Edit schreit noch aus der Küche, daß das ein Bild vom letzten Jahr ist :-D

Bearbeitet von Kebra
  • 5 Wochen später...

Ich möchte nicht debattieren, aber...


Die SKR-Gabel habe der Vespa-look, aber es ist modern wie Booster-Gabel,... oder ?


Sowieso, Ich bin unter die 135 Nummer registrieren :-D

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
@kty: seit wann sprichst du deutsch? :-D

[OT: KTy's life]

Ich lerne Deutsch seit Ich in Österreich wohne... So, seit 4 Monaten !

Das ist nicht so einfach ! :-D

Und Ja, Ich weiß ! Deutsch und Österreichisch sind nicht Egal ! :-D

[/OT: KTy's life]

Und, mit eine SKR-Aufkleber auf meine Booster-Gabel, funktioniert ? :-D

Bearbeitet von KTy
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Ok, it is too late for me to speak German... :-D

Does the Class 5 run with the other classes at the same time ? Where can I find this kind of information ?

Put in another way; If I plan to only attend to the Run 'n Race :-D , is it "worth" plugging in a vespa fork ... ?

Bearbeitet von KTy
Does the Class 5 run with the other classes at the same time ? Where can I find this kind of information ?

Put in another way; If I plan to only attend to the Run 'n Race :-D , is it "worth" plugging in a vespa fork ... ?

Hi KTy!

Class 5 doesn´t have its own race it is starting with another class - normally with class 3 or 4 (largeframes and Lambretta) because there are less starters than in class 1 or 2 - with which class they are starting can only be said on the race day when the organisers know how many starters each class really has... - I think last year there were 4 starters in class 5...

Change of fork: If it is not too much work I would change it - then you don´t need to start in class 5 and can compete with the other smallframes of your class what will be much more fun - believe me... And PK forks with a working drum brake aren`t too expensive and will also do the job... :-D

Klaus! :-D


i also think it is worth changing, not only because of the race classes but simply because changing the fork will dramatically improve the handling of your scooter. the booster fork is nowhere near the standard fork, let alone a pk fork, in terms of performance. the brake may be slightly better, but that's it.


Okay, thanks for the info.

Btw Mathias, my scooter with the Booster fork was very very drivable, front wheel was still a bit too large (110/80-10), but it gave me a very good feeling during racing, cornering and so forth... It sure fills different though...


Okay, thanks for the info.

Btw Mathias, my scooter with the Booster fork was very very drivable, front wheel was still a bit too large (110/80-10), but it gave me a very good feeling during racing, cornering and so forth... It sure fills different though...


i tested the same fork in a mbk mach g, and also it's doppler version, as soon as you hit the brake in anger they lock up because the two tubes do not overlap each other enough to stop them from bending which effectively acts as an "anti-dive mechanism". even when you're not on the brake you can feel the fork tubes twisting when getting around a corner at anything much above the speed one would warm up ones tires. the racetrack weapon in terms of scooters still is the zip with it's trailing link design, which happens to be more or less identical to what our old scooters have up in the fork department. it may be a question of taste, but a speed essential it's not.


' Just thougth about something :-D

If this fork is not so good and hence does not provide any advantages, why not allowing it in the ESC Smallframe >125 Class ... :-D

I just want to have some fun with other smallframer and I will not be a threat for the Championship title :wacko::wow: , I do not really see the point of this prohibition in the reglement.

But I guess it is too late to discuss it :-D:cheers:


' Just thougth about something :-D

If this fork is not so good and hence does not provide any advantages, why not allowing it in the ESC Smallframe >125 Class ... :-D

I just want to have some fun with other smallframer and I will not be a threat for the Championship title :wacko::wow: , I do not really see the point of this prohibition in the reglement.

But I guess it is too late to discuss it :-D:cheers:


i guess it is to late, and here is not the right place to do it anyway. i believe the regulations were made with the intention to keep the whole thing as low cost as possible, and even if the fork you are using may not be the best fork there is there are some malossi/paioli forks which work fairly well but cost an arm and a leg, hence the ban for all telescopic forks.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

The financial point is a good argument...

Even if a good fournales shock + grimeca kit cost also quite some money :-D

Btw, where should this kind discussion take place ? is there a forum on the ESC website ??

Bearbeitet von KTy

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