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Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Vor dem Umbau auf PWK und Anschaffung des Cobra Auspuffs bin ich im dritten und vierten nicht so recht aus dem Quark gekommen. Ich habe mir eingebildet mit dem 22er das Ganze insgesamt etwas kürzer übersetzen zu können. Höchstgeschwindigkeit ist mir nicht so wichtig. Hauptsache die Beschleuniging stimmt. Auf der Landstraße mitschwimmen können, bzw. nur sehr kurz mal flotter fahren können (überholen). Ein bischen Kraftreserve soll dann gerne noch vorhanden sein. Ob die Wahl des 22er Ritzels auf der Kupplung hier die richtige Wahl war, weiss ich (ehrlichgesagt) gar nicht. ICh musste eine neue Kupplung kaufen und habe dann zu dieser Variante gegriffen. Das Thema 'übersetzung' im Gesamten (Kupplung, Primär, Gangzahnräder) ist ein Gebiet in das ich noch nicht wirklich eingetaucht bin. :)

Bearbeitet von Artee77
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Also ich würde mir noch ein paar mehr Düsen besorgen. Vor allem kleinere: ND bis 35 und HD bis 140

Ich finde es total nervig wenn man grad beim Abstimmen ist und dann nicht weiter kommt, weil einem ein paar Düsen fehlen.

Fahre den 33er PWK dzt. mit HD 144, ND 35 und CGL-Nadel auf 207er GG-Polini mit 60er Welle, Vespatronic, Nordspeed Viper, GS-Kolben, MLLP/TZR-Ansauger, 187°/127° und so 63% Auslass.

Klappt sehr gut, wobei ich evtl. sogar noch den versuch einer kleineren HD wagen würde.

Bearbeitet von Komalainen

Also ich würde mir noch ein paar mehr Düsen besorgen. Vor allem kleinere: ND bis 35 und HD bis 140

Ich finde es total nervig wenn man grad beim Abstimmen ist und dann nicht weiter kommt, weil einem ein paar Düsen fehlen.

Fahre den 33er PWK dzt. mit HD 144, ND 35 und CGL-Nadel auf Polini mit 60er Welle, Vespatronic, Nordspeed Viper, GS-Kolben, MLLP/TZR-Ansauger, 187°/127° und so 63% Auslass.

Klappt sehr gut, wobei ich evtl. sogar noch den versuch einer kleineren HD wagen würde.



@ artee77: Falls Du nach Deiner Abstimmungsorgie ein paar Düsen oder Nadeln abgeben möchtest, melde ich mal Interesse an. Für mich steht noch das gleiche in den nächsten Wochen an. Allerdings baue ich mein Setup mit LHW und Membran auf.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Hallo zusammen:

Ich habe dieses Thema mehrmals durch die Übersetzung ins Englische mit Google Translate und ich kann nicht ein klares Bild aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Größen von Vergaser und verschiedene Set ups.

Ich bin mit einem Motor Malossi210, 60crank, MRP Schilf, MMW head10.5 kämpfen:1126/186, SIP ROAD (Taffspeed) und Keihin PWK 35 AS.

Mit der Standard-Strahlen des Motors ist reich, so die erste Modifikation bestand darin, die Maschine Original-Dia 4,5 näher an einer Reihe 6.Although der Motor reichläuft, ist es besser, also würde ich Ratschläge, was Sie Jetting Sie mit einem Set upfragen wie meine.

Ich werde ein Original-Dia Nr. 6 und ein paar Nadeln zu kaufen. Welche Nadelnmüssen Sie mir empfehlen zu kaufen? ¿BGN? .....


"""Hi all:

I have read this post several times by translating into English with Google Translate and I can not get a clear picture due to the different sizes of carburetor and different set ups.

I am struggling with an engine Malossi210, 60crank, MRP reeds, MMW head10.5:1,126/186, SIP ROAD (Taffspeed) and Keihin PWK 35 AS.

With the standard jetting the engine is rich so the first modification was to machine the original slide 4.5 closer to a number 6.Although the engine is running rich, is better, so I would ask advice on what jetting you use you with a set up like mine.

I am going to buy one original slide # 6 and some needles. What needles do you recomend me to buy?¿BGN?.....

Thank you."""

Bearbeitet von santacama
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)


you can take a look at Tenand´s Setup. He is a member and his Setup is close to yours.

But the last thing I would do is to buy another slide.

First you should try to setup the idle and as second you setup the mainjet.

The most effective thing on PWK Carbs is the Jet Needle.

Here is a guide for setting up the carbs in english.

Keihin Tuningtipps.pdf

Keihin Tuningtipps.pdf

Bearbeitet von discotizer303
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)


you can take a look at Tenand´s Setup. He is a member and his Setup is close to yours.

But the last thing I would do is to buy another slide.

First you should try to setup the idle and as second you setup the mainjet.

The most effective thing on PWK Carbs is the Jet Needle.

Here is a guide for setting up the carbs in english.

Keihin Tuningtipps.pdf

Yes, yes my engine is just about ok, but runs a little reach. I ruined the slide so I must buy an other one.

But .... I just need to know the nearest needle ¿BGN?


Bearbeitet von santacama
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Yes, yes my engine is just about perfect, but runs a little riach. I ruind the slide so I must buy an other one.

But .... I just need to know the needle more close ¿BGN?


please read the attached PDF first. You will than know what someone is talking about

and you will see which letter of the needle effects which area and what letter means leaner and

what means reacher.

Sorry, I forgot the needle chart.


Bearbeitet von discotizer303
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

please read the attached PDF first. You will than know what someone is talking about

and you will see which letter of the needle effects which area and what letter means leaner and

what means reacher.

Sorry, I forgot the needle chart.


Yes I already have that info, thanks a lot. I know how they work theoretically.

Bearbeitet von santacama

Yes I already have that info, thanks a lot. I know how they work theoretically.

that sounds good.

Is there any problem transforming the theory into practice?

Don´t hesitate to ask.

But another question: where are you from? Is it warm enough for jetting action?

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

that sounds good.

Is there any problem transforming the theory into practice?

Don´t hesitate to ask.

But another question: where are you from? Is it warm enough for jetting action?

I am from Sevilla (Spain) now is cold, but it will warm up in one week ajajajajajaj

I just found Tenants set up and it is really close to mine .... he is using a CGN needle but dont say anything about the slide.

Bearbeitet von santacama
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

I´m using the delivered Slide. As I know Tenand and many other

PWK-Driver do so.

The Slide, I told you before, is the last thing I would change.

First try to setup the jets and the needle in the correct needle position.

If your engine runs reach from 1/4-3/4 it is only a matter of the jet needle.

And which one you have to find out yourself.

The needle chart shows you which letterposition reflects the corresponding

parts of the needle. And it shows you which way to go to get lean or rich.


on page 2 under point 4 of the PDf you hopefully downloaded and studied

is everything you need to know. If you are rich in this area try a BGN, BHN.

Bearbeitet von discotizer303
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

I´m using the delivered Slide. As I know Tenand and many other

PWK-Driver do so.

The Slide, I told you before, is the last thing I would change.

First try to setup the jets and the needle in the correct needle position.

If your engine runs reach from 1/4-3/4 it is only a matter of the jet needle.

And which one you have to find out yourself.

The needle chart shows you which letterposition reflects the corresponding

parts of the needle. And it shows you which way to go to get lean or rich.


on page 2 under point 4 of the PDf you hopefully downloaded and studied

is everything you need to know. If you are rich in this area try a BGN.

Thaks again. Like I said I know the theory. The problem here is that there is no parts and I have to order them to USA.

I modified the slide thinking that it was goin to be enough but it was not.

¿Do you run your Keihein PWK 35 AS with the 4,5 original slide or with a nº 6?

My idea is to order an slide and 2 or 3 needles at the same time. I know I have to lean the diameter of the needle and likely the taper. but I dont know how much, tha is the reason way I am asking here.

Bearbeitet von santacama

Which slide I have? I don´t know. The standard delivered.

Some guy here order there needle in GB, but I don´t know from which shop

at the moment.

Under www.lambretta-teile.de you may find what you are looking for.

Good Luck


Which slide I have? I don´t know. The standard delivered.

Some guy here order there needle in GB, but I don´t know from which shop

at the moment.

Under www.lambretta-teile.de you may find what you are looking for.

Good Luck



Danke, but I know were to get the parts. What I need to know is the needles you use usually with the Keihin PWK 35 AS in Malossi 221 reed engines and the slide cutaway.

Standard slide (4,5) + DGN, BGN .....?

DANKE, from Spain.


Oh Man!

every engine is different. You have to find out yourself what needle fits best.

A great deal is the JD-Jetting tool. This is an excelsheet which helps you grafically

what needles you may need.

You can download it here


You are not helping, looks to me that I need to pass a test before being answered.

I know the theory and I have all the info, but I don't have the time and I need to order the parts soon, ok?

My engine is really similar to the one from Tenand: same crank, same cilinder, same head, same carb, same reeds ......

Please,don't try to teach me. If you don't want to tell me some needles don't answer and let somebody else help me save some time. Don't get me wrong I value your help! Unfortunately I will not get the info I need after your posting.


Would please someone else tell santacama the facts about jetting?

Nobody tries to teach you. I tried to help you, but it failed caused by

the advicery resistance you show. And I would tell you the needles, but

this is rubbish.

Please understand that there are no two engines in the world that

are exactly the same. Even if they have the same setup.

I can tell you some needles CGL, CGN, BGN, BGL. You use them and your

engine is dead in a wink.

From here in this Topic! you can read yourself what is going on with same setups



The problem here is that from the first moment you think that I am an other little boy that don't know anything.

You don't understand how hard it is to understand google translated German ..... it is just impossible.

I know the GSF is the more advanced forum about Vespa tuning, that is way I am asking here for an starting point for the needles. That is what I need 3 or 4 needles as a starting point considering my setup.

I know how to recognise a lean condition. I promise to be careful with my engine.


no one sees you like a little boy.

I understand what it means with the translation tool when I am reading in spanish vespaforums.

And i tried to help you to find out the right needles.

Please use that f*cking jetting tool, go to the PWK chart sheet and enter your setup.

And take a look at the charts.

You are the only one that can do this because you are the only one who knows in which

area your setup is lean or rich. So you can find out 3-4 needles and order them.

It will take you less then 5 Minutes of your time. So please do it.

If you have problems with the jetting tool don´t hesitate to let me know.

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