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Empfohlene Beiträge


Is it really plug'n play or do I have to add a gasket or something ? (because the squish band of the Polini head is ~0mm)

Thank you :-D


I want to know if there are simple plug'n play experience...

I read about it here on the GSF, but I just want to be sure it's working fine without any modifications...



Haven't done this until now, but as far as I know, the squishband is a delicate subject concerning the DR-Polinihead-Combo. As already written, use a ~0.8mm gasket first of all. If you are not satisfied with the power/compression, rebuild without the gasket.

In any case: Always measure the squishband, whatever you do!

Greetz, Pete


For a gentle daily rider (DR + Popo head + SI2020 + original Sito Exhaust), what is the best squish any risk ? ~1-1.5mm ?


Alright for a squish of 1.5mm.

What is the original DR squish size ?

By the way, the polini head is really better than the DR one ?? :-D


The Polini head provides more compression, and thus more power throughout the revs.

The original squish varies extremly. I have heard of squisches > 2.5mm, even over 3mm!!!

Hope it helps :-D


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